I have written ten books and I’m now plowing through number eleven, but anyone who’s read my work will confirm there is no Pulitzer Prize for Literature in my future. I clearly haven’t mastered that skill, but recently I decided to try something different: lyrics for music. It’s just “wordsmithing” at its core, right? Deep messages cloaked in marginal poetry, right?
Read more »My dad loved people, he had a rich sense of humor, and he was always willing to participate in silly school, church or community skits and events. He was a smart, decent man with, a good sense of humor, timeless values and a strong desire to connect with others.
Sometimes we considered him our family’s Yogi Berra.
Read more »Always interested in exotic travel, son Christopher and I visited North Korea for six days. This was a few years ago, when Kim Jong-un was launching missiles to grab the spotlight on the world stage. Here is a quick summary of our personal experiences: North Korea made Cuba seem like a bastion of personal freedom and a model for unbridled economic success.
Read more »Working and living in Germany—mid-70s and late 80s—and personally supporting a dozen or so European subsidiaries required that I do weekly business travel throughout Western Europe. That in itself was an adventure.
Even more challenging (read: fun) was visiting much of Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe: Russia, East Germany, East Berlin (different entry than for East Germany), Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Estonia, and Hungary.
Read more »Everyone talks about “Taking it to the next level.” Just what or where is that…a massive leap or a small step? Is that step forward or backward?
“We have a great marriage, but we want to take it to the next level.” Wouldn’t that be divorce?
Similarly, “We are taking our relationship to the next level.” Does that mean sex, moving in, threesomes, or a Pilates class?
Read more »There are so many contradictions and loony, often-broken rules in the English language, I can’t imagine having to learn it as a second language. Here are some brief examples.
Read more »Here are examples taken from a single four-hour sitting watching television. Admittedly, part of the time was watching college football. Though they are allegedly college grads, some of the football analysts can barely put together a coherent sentence.
“…exact same message.”
“…tie the ballgame up.” (Twice)
“…where his house is located at.”
“…never seen that in my entire life.” (Double redundant!)
“…his abilities with mine together.”
“…one of only 65 made in the world.” (Doesn’t count others made elsewhere in the galaxy.)
“As per usual…”
“The net result is…”
“…short period of time.” (As opposed to a short period of cheese?)
“Wanna hear a true fact?” (Um, “facts” are only true.)